Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

As Limlapp (“Limlapp”), we use cookie-like technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) such as cookies, pixels and web beacons on our website at (“Website” or “Site”).

This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) is to inform you about the processing of your personal data through cookies in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. we prepared.

1. What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website. Cookies basically allow the user and his device to be recognized, to store some information about the user's preferences and past actions, and thus to improve the user's online visit experience.

Cookies often have their own unique identifying number (unique identifier or cookie ID). This identifying number allows your browser to be recognized and inferred about you from your actions and actions on websites.

Through cookies, personal data is obtained by automatic methods (without human intervention).

2. What are the Types of Cookies?
Cookies are generally subject to different classifications according to the cookie provider party, according to the duration of use of cookies and according to the purpose of use of cookies.

Cookies are divided into two according to the Cookie Provider Parties:

First Party Cookies; are cookies placed directly by the website the user is visiting, in other words the URL shown in the browser's address bar. Personal data processed through first-party cookies are obtained directly by the data controller who manages the website.

Third Party Cookies; These are cookies placed by a third party different from the website visited by the user.

Cookies are divided into two according to their Usage Period:

Session Cookies (session – non-persistent); It is stored only during the user's visit to the website. When the user leaves the website, the cookies expire and the cookies are automatically deleted.

Persistent Cookies; are stored in the browser for certain periods of time. The storage times of permanent cookies vary according to the purpose of use. These cookies are automatically deleted after the predetermined times expire. If the user changes the cookie settings before the expiry of the period set for permanent cookies, these cookies may be deleted before the specified period.

Cookies by Purpose of Use are grouped under four main purposes:

Strictly Necessary Cookies; These are cookies that are mandatory for websites to work properly. Strictly necessary cookies enable different features of websites to be activated. These cookies are required for basic purposes such as navigating between different pages on websites and logging into a user account.

Functionality Cookies; It is used to improve the experience of users on websites and to add functionality to the sites. They are often used to remember the user's preferences, for example, to save the users' filter settings or the language they prefer to use the site.

Analytics / Performance Cookies; They enable to analyze the movements of users on websites and to develop websites and services accordingly. For example; Information about the user's device, the most frequently clicked or most time spent pages on the website are obtained through analytics/performance cookies.

Marketing Cookies; It is used for purposes such as identifying the interests of the users, conducting personalized marketing activities for the users, and thus not showing the advertisements that are not of interest to the users. Marketing cookies are also used to not show the same ads to users too often and to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

3. Which Personal Data Are Obtained With Cookies?
Through cookies, the browser and operating system you use, your IP address, your user ID, the date and time of your visit, the interaction status (for example, whether you can access the Site or whether you receive an error alert), use of the features on the Site, the search phrases you enter, how often you visit the Site, Data regarding user transaction records, including your language preferences, page scrolling movements, information about the tabs you access, are collected and processed.

4. For What Purposes and Legal Reasons Limlapp Uses Cookies?
Detailed information about the cookies we use on the Website, along with the purposes and legal reasons for the use of cookies, are presented in this section for your information.

4.1. Strictly Necessary Cookies
Limlapp uses cookies that are strictly necessary so that you can use the Website properly and access all the features of the Website. In cases where strictly necessary cookies are not used, you may not be able to use certain functions of the Site; All or part of the site may not work properly. For example; Strictly necessary cookies are used for transactions required within the scope of the services we offer, such as shopping on the site, adding products to your cart, completing shopping.

Your personal data obtained through these cookies, within the scope of Article 5/2-f of the KVKK, "the data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject" and within the scope of Article 5/2-c of the KVKK. It is processed within the scope of legal reasons “provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract”.

4.2. Functionality Cookies
We use functionality cookies to maximize your Website experience and add functionality to the Website. For example; Cookies that keep you logged in to the Site and thus save you the trouble of logging in again each time you visit the Site are functionality cookies.

If you wish, you can consent to the use of these cookies and have a personalized and functional Site experience. The authorization to enable these cookies is entirely with our users.

Your personal data obtained through these cookies are processed by obtaining your explicit consent within the scope of Article 5/1 of the KVKK.

4.3. Analytics/Performance Cookies
We use analytics/performance/cookies to analyze your movements on the Website and to improve our services and user experience accordingly. For example; We use these cookies to reach information such as the number of users visiting the site, the time spent on the site, the most frequently clicked or most liked products.

If you wish, you can consent to the use of these cookies and help us improve the Website and our services. The authorization to enable these cookies is entirely with our users.

Your personal data obtained through these cookies are processed by obtaining your explicit consent within the scope of Article 5/1 of the KVKK.

4.4. Marketing Cookies
Within the scope of our personalized marketing and advertising activities, we use marketing cookies to get an idea about your preferences and likes, to show ads that match your interests, to prevent you from seeing the same ads too much, and to measure the effectiveness of ads.

If you wish, you can approve the use of these cookies and have the opportunity to avoid advertisements that do not interest you by having a personalized advertising experience. The authorization to enable these cookies is entirely with our users.

Your personal data obtained through these cookies are processed by obtaining your explicit consent within the scope of Article 5/1 of the KVKK.

5. To Which Third Parties Are Personal Data Obtained Through Cookies Transferred?
Your personal data obtained through cookies can be shared with domestic and foreign cookie providers for the purposes described in article 4 of this Policy. Third parties to whom personal data are shared are presented to your information under the heading "Cookie Provider" in the Table above.

Your personal data obtained through cookies are transferred to third parties abroad, with your explicit consent, in accordance with Article 9 of the KVKK.

If you wish, you can consent to the use of these cookies and help us make our Site more functional and user-friendly. It is entirely up to you, our users, to enable third-party cookies.

6. How to Manage Cookies?
You can always control the cookies used on the Website and you can always revoke the consent of the cookies you have allowed to use. The methods you can use to manage your cookie preferences are as follows:

1. We ask your preferences regarding the use of cookies on the Cookie Preferences page that appears on your first visit to the Site. You can always change your preferences for cookies in the Cookie Preferences section.
2. As a second method, you can also manage cookies by updating your browser settings. Many browsers have settings and referrer guides for updating cookie preferences and removing cookies.
For the second method, we have shared with you below how you can update your cookie preferences in certain browsers. For detailed information, we recommend that you review your browser's settings tab.

You can learn about cookies and exercise your right to allow or refuse cookies by following the steps below, depending on the type of your internet browser:

Google Chrome: You can allow or block cookies from the "Cookie" tab by clicking the "lock sign" or "i" letter in the "address section" of your browser.
Internet Explorer: You can set your cookie preferences as "allow" or "do not allow" by clicking the "Security" tab from the "Tool" or "Tools" section in the upper right corner of your browser.
Mozilla Firefox: Click the "Open Menu" tab in the upper right corner of your browser. You can set your cookie preferences from the "Privacy and Security" tab by clicking the "Options" button.
For other browsers (such as Opera, Microsoft Edge), you can review the help or support pages of the relevant browser.

If you completely remove cookies using your browser's settings, you will also block some cookies that are necessary for the website to function properly. This may cause all or part of the Site to not function properly. For this reason, we recommend that you update your preferences for cookies by using the Website instead of updating your browser settings.

7. Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data Processed Through Cookies
Your request to exercise your rights listed in Article 11 of the KVKK regarding your personal data obtained and processed through cookies;

To using your e-mail address registered in our systems,
To via your registered e-mail (KEP) address or
Attaching the documents proving your identity, in writing, Levent Mah. Ebulula Mardin Cad. no. Address 23 K. 1 Etiler/Beşiktaş, İstanbul
Please forward it.

Limlapp will finalize your application requests within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, according to the nature of the request, in accordance with Article 13 of the KVKK. If the transaction requires cost, the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be applied. If your request is rejected, the reason(s) for the rejection will be communicated to you within 30 (thirty) days at the latest.

9. About the Policy
This Policy may be updated to comply with any changes or legal regulations in the use of cookies on the Website. Changes in the policy will be notified to our visitors via the Website.

Contact Info

It aims to provide the best service with both fast and fixed price per kilometer guarantee within the borders of Trabzon province. In the application, you can request a VIP vehicle, taxi services, or you can make use of daily or weekly car rental services. Furthermore, within the application’s “Discover” section, you can get information about Entertainment Centers, Restaurants, Cafes, Pharmacies or Touristic Places near you, adding enjoyment to your holiday and providing easy access to urgent destinations.
  • Address: Kaşüstü mah.devlet karayolu cad.Doğan iş merkezi 29/9 (201) Yomra /TRABZON
  • Phone: 0850 640 00 66
  • Email: